China: the population revolts against the zero-covid policy

2 years ago

Scenes of revolts take place in China, as in the city of Canton. Chinese people demonstrate against the zero-covid policy…

REPLAY – China: a vulnerable power?

2 years ago

The 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China opened on Sunday October 16 and is expected to re-appoint Chinese…

Apec Summit: strategic challenges for Emmanuel Macron

2 years ago

Emmanuel Macron is taking part in the summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum, which is being held in Thailand.…

G20: “Not appropriate”, when Chinese President Xi Jinping criticizes Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in front of the cameras

2 years ago

The Chinese head of state reprimanded the Canadian for having "told the newspapers" the content of a private conversation on…

Wood: a very lucrative traffic between France and China?

2 years ago

How to explain the disappearance of tens of hectares of trees in France? It would be a large-scale traffic, partly…

Summit of the Francophonie: is French really in decline?

2 years ago

If Emmanuel Macron has warned of a potential decline of the Francophonie around the world, French remains the fifth most…

Francophonie Summit: digital issues in Djerba

2 years ago

As representatives of 88 countries gathered in Djerba, Tunisia, Emmanuel Macron took the opportunity to talk about the war in…

COP27: at 72, Dorothee Hildegrandt links Stockholm to Sharm el-Sheikh by bike to prove “that we can change our lifestyles”

2 years ago

This Swedish retiree left on July 1 and arrived for the opening of the COP ten days ago in Egypt.…

DIRECT. War in Ukraine: “We will be with you” until “Ukraine wins”, says British Prime Minister on visit to Kyiv

2 years ago

Rishi Sunak traveled to the Ukrainian capital on Saturday to "confirm UK support" for the country. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak…

War in Ukraine: a first train from kyiv arrives in Kherson, a week after the withdrawal of the Russian occupier

2 years ago

A week after the withdrawal of Russian troops, the railway line between kyiv and Kherson resumed service on Friday, November…