Presidential election in Brazil: “Little dictator”, “National shame” … Lula and Bolsonaro surrender blow for blow during a debate

2 years ago

Although the tone was less aggressive than in previous debates, the two opponents in the second round had a tense…

Rio-Paris flight crash: the anger of the families of the victims

2 years ago

The Rio-Paris flight crash trial opened on Monday, October 10, thirteen years after the tragedy that claimed the lives of…

Rio-Paris flight: the autopsy of a crash

2 years ago

The Rio-Paris flight trial opens Monday, October 10. Thirteen years after the plane crash that killed 228 people, questions persist.…

Rallies, video clips, televised debates … The second round campaign gets off to a strong start in Brazil between Lula and Jair Bolsonaro

2 years ago

The electoral campaign is back at full speed, after the first round of the presidential election. Former left-wing president Lula…

Presidential election in Brazil: the hopes of Colombia, Chile and Argentina, three countries where the left is in power

2 years ago

In the club of correspondents, todaynewspost is interested in news seen from abroad. Today, head to South America to find…

Presidential election in Brazil: Lula in the lead in a tighter-than-expected first round

2 years ago

Miscellaneous facts, politics, unemployment, economic news, environment, culture, social issues, science, new technologies, web, sports: follow all the latest news…

Presidential in Brazil: what are the stakes of the (long) campaign of Lula and Bolsonaro for the second round?

2 years ago

Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and Jair Bolsonaro qualified for the second round of the election, scheduled for Sunday October…

Investigation: the mystery of Chinese underground police stations

2 years ago

Are clandestine Chinese police stations located in the heart of Paris? This is according to the NGO Saveguard Defenders. It…

NGO survey finds China monitors its diaspora in Europe and Canada through outsourced police offices

2 years ago

According to Safeguard Defenders, the Chinese government has set up more than fifty unofficial agencies around the world, including three…

China: the protest of the population in the face of the zero Covid policy

2 years ago

The severity of the Chinese authorities in terms of policy against Covid-19 seems to be increasingly criticized in the country.…