War in Ukraine: what to remember from Monday, October 17

2 years ago

Ukraine has notably called for sanctions from the European Union, after several suicide drone strikes on kyiv on Monday. A…

Austrians are electing a president

2 years ago

Austria holds a presidential election on Sunday that is expected to be won by incumbent Alexander Van der Bellen, seen…

Hong Kong for 60 million Pink diamond sold

2 years ago

A rare pink diamond was sold in Hong Kong for almost 58 million. USD (€60 million), the highest price per…

Ukraine, which abstained during the vote on China

2 years ago

Ukraine announced on Friday that it had changed its mind following a landmark vote the day before, when the United…

Russian court ordered the confiscation of Memorial’s headquarters in Moscow

2 years ago

Moscow court on Friday ordered the confiscation of the Moscow headquarters of the Russian rights group Memorial, which was ordered…

The EU agreed on a price ceiling for Russian oil

2 years ago

The ambassadors of the countries of the European Union (EU) agreed on the new eighth package of sanctions against Russia,…

Couple makes shocking discovery at vacation home. Luckily, they noticed right away!

2 years ago

You really don't want to find something like that in the holiday apartment It sounds like a nightmare: you're having…

Ugh, the drain stinks! With this simple trick you can remove the smell from your drain and pipes immediately!

2 years ago

This trick will instantly remove the nasty smell from your drain! Yes, unfortunately almost everyone knows this: musty air rises…

How to remove calluses with potatoes and get tender feet!

2 years ago

It's time to go barefoot! The time has finally come, the temperatures are rising and we dare to go out…

She rubs tomato slices on her face for a minute and her skin glows

2 years ago

Tomato slices can replace some expensive creams! The fact that many women are now rubbing tomato slices over their faces…