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The Rise of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella in the French Elections

French Elections: The Rise of Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella The recent French elections have marked a significant shift…

2 months ago

The Demonization of the Left

The Demonization of the Left After winning the first round of the French parliamentary election, the head of the right-wing…

2 months ago

Swedish Parliament Votes on Controversial Defense Agreement with the United States

Swedish Parliament Votes on Controversial Defense Agreement with the United States The Swedish Parliament is set to vote on Tuesday…

3 months ago

The Political Pitch: Kylian Mbappé and the French Election Stir

When Footballers Get Political Today marks the official start of the election campaign in France. Many fear the rise of…

3 months ago

The Intersection of Politics and Justice: Insights from Recent Court Rulings in the USA

How Politics Is Made in the Courtroom The rulings against Trump, Biden's son Hunter, and on gun rights in the…

3 months ago

Biden and Trump Agree on Rules for First TV Debate Without Studio Audience

Biden and Trump Set Rules for First TV Debate US President Biden and his likely challenger Trump have agreed on…

3 months ago