Ship Crew Likely Prevented Major Disaster

Following the collapse of a bridge in the US city of Baltimore, it is becoming increasingly clear that the crew of the disabled ship likely saved many lives. Meanwhile, the government in Washington approved $60 million in immediate aid.

Ship Crew Likely Prevented Major Disaster

Following the collapse of a bridge in the US city of Baltimore, it is becoming increasingly clear that the crew of the disabled ship likely saved many lives. Meanwhile, the government in Washington approved $60 million in immediate aid.

The more that is known about the bridge collapse in Baltimore, Maryland, the more apparent it becomes that both the crew of the stricken container ship and the first responders did many things right – and evidently averted a larger disaster.

Only about one and a half minutes elapsed between the ship’s crew’s distress call and the collapse of the Francis-Scott-Key Bridge. At 1:27 am and 25 seconds local time, the ship pilot reported that the “Dali” had lost power and was heading directly towards the bridge. Traffic was immediately halted there – as heard over the radio. “Stop all traffic on the Key Bridge. There’s a ship approaching that can no longer steer.”

For six construction workers, the distress call came too late

The “Dali” had previously dropped anchor to slow down. However, at around 1:29 am, the container ship still collided with a support pillar of the bridge, which promptly collapsed.

For most of the construction workers who were on the bridge to repair potholes, the distress call came too late. Six of them perished, one was rescued from the waters of the Patapsco River. Another one literally saw the bridge collapse behind him. He survived because he was warned just in time. Maryland Governor Wes Moore explained this during a press conference.

Police responded swiftly

Currently, there is no information indicating that other vehicles were possibly on the bridge. This is likely due to the prompt reaction of the police who halted traffic. Or perhaps a stroke of luck – as in the case of taxi driver Gayle Fairman. If her passenger had not been slightly delayed, she could have been on the bridge at the time of the collapse, she told CNN.

Fairman was in the first row with her car, ready to cross the bridge over the Patapsco River – but a police officer stopped her. By that time, the Key Bridge had already collapsed.

Transportation Secretary: Number of fatalities could have been much higher

Without the efforts of the emergency responders, the distress call, the immediate traffic stoppage, and the time of day, the number of fatalities could have been much higher, said US Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg.

Furthermore, in the days following the accident, the vital work of the divers has also been highlighted. Despite the hazardous conditions in the cold water – amidst the debris of the bridge – they were able to recover two bodies on Wednesday. “The commitment, determination, and selflessness of our first responders should never be questioned,” said Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott.

Washington allocates $60 million in immediate aid

The US government has now pledged $60 million, approximately 56 million euros, in immediate aid. To reopen the Port of Baltimore for ship traffic, the container ship must be removed first – currently trapped under the bridge debris. It will take some time before this is accomplished, Governor Wes Moore believes: The “Dali” is nearly as long as the Eiffel Tower.

A preliminary report on the exact cause of the accident is not expected for at least two weeks. Baltimore and the whole of Maryland will take much longer to process the events of the past few days.


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