
In South Africa, for 2023 we wish to have electricity

The energy crisis that the country is going through is likely to worsen after a record year: more than 200…

2 years ago

Human rights and environmental abuses: revelations about the Total oil project in Uganda and Tanzania

While justice will soon render its judgment in the case between six NGOs and Total, the Cellule investigation and the…

2 years ago

South Africa: This Frenchman left everything for the safari

Five years ago, Thibaud Cheminant left his life in Paris to organize safaris in South Africa. This animal lover aims…

2 years ago

South Africa: President Cyril Ramaphosa re-elected as head of the ANC, the ruling party

This vote opens the way to a second term for the president at the head of the country, in the…

2 years ago

Tunisia: opposition calls on President Kais Saied to resign “immediately” after legislative fiasco

Abstention reached a record level in the legislative elections on Saturday, proof, according to the opposition, of a major disavowal…

2 years ago

Immigration: from Lagos to the Canary Islands, how could three migrants spend 11 days at the helm of an oil tanker?

Three migrants from Lagos (Nigeria) were rescued on Monday November 28 in the port of Las Palmas, in the Canary…

2 years ago

Medicine without hospitalization can cure sleeping sickness

This parasitic disease, known as the tsetse fly, permanently threatens 60 million people in Africa. This new treatment could eliminate…

2 years ago

Francophonie Summit: digital issues in Djerba

As representatives of 88 countries gathered in Djerba, Tunisia, Emmanuel Macron took the opportunity to talk about the war in…

2 years ago

COP27: at 72, Dorothee Hildegrandt links Stockholm to Sharm el-Sheikh by bike to prove “that we can change our lifestyles”

This Swedish retiree left on July 1 and arrived for the opening of the COP ten days ago in Egypt.…

2 years ago

Ethiopia: rebel forces and federal authorities accept the establishment of “humanitarian access to all those in need” in Tigray

This access "with immediate effect" follows the peace agreement signed on November 2, recording a "cessation of hostilities" in the…

2 years ago