
In Search of Peace

An African delegation is currently visiting Ukraine and Russia to assist in the search for an end to Moscow's offensive…

1 year ago

Chinese “Parallel Diplomacy” in Full Swing

While there is political tension between China and the US, economic diplomacy is in full swing

1 year ago

What African States Hope For Amid Russia’s War

Russia's ongoing war with Ukraine continues to have an immense impact on African states

1 year ago

Mali demands immediate withdrawal of UN soldiers

The tensions between the United Nations and Mali's government, which has close ties with Russia, have been increasing for years

1 year ago

USA to Rejoin UNESCO after Five Years

The USA will rejoin the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) after a five-year absence

1 year ago

A Man with Money, Influence, and Headlines: The Legacy of Silvio Berlusconi

Silvio Berlusconi, who died at the age of 86, had a profound impact on Italian politics, holding the position of…

1 year ago

Russia Hires First Private Army Amid Wagner Dispute

As tensions simmered with private military company Wagner, Moscow has taken Tschetschenian ruler Kadyrov's "Achmat" unit as the first-ever private…

1 year ago

Former Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi Dies

Silvio Berlusconi, the former Italian Prime Minister and media entrepreneur, has died at the age of 86 in Milan's San…

1 year ago

Overview of EU’s Compromise for Stricter Asylum Rules and Future Handling of Refugees

The compromise for stricter EU asylum rules, supported by Germany, paves the way for asylum procedures at Europe's external borders…

1 year ago

Disappointed Hopeful? Lula’s Return as Brazilian President Brings International Irritation

High hopes on Lula's return to presidency With the return of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva as Brazilian president, high…

1 year ago