Categories: Africa

The Elephant Issue – and Europe

Due to the high number of elephants, Botswana has once again allowed hunting of the animals. However, there are now discussions in Europe to impose restrictions on the import of trophies. Botswana views this as neocolonial patronization.

The Elephant Issue – and Europe

Due to the high number of elephants, Botswana has once again allowed hunting of the animals. However, there are now discussions in Europe to impose restrictions on the import of trophies. Botswana views this as neocolonial patronization.

Sepako, a small village in northeastern Botswana. With 200 residents, most of them living in simple huts with limited access to running water. The region is also home to many elephants who regularly roam through the village in search of food and water.

The people in Sepako are poor, with many working as daily laborers. Like Reginah Paulos’ husband, who was killed by a thirsty elephant a year ago while fetching water for his employer’s cattle.

Paulos is sad – and angry. “Since I lost my husband, things have been bad for me. I often get heart palpitations. I miss him so much. The elephants must go away, away from here – and if necessary, we have to kill them. I hate these animals so much.”

17 deaths in twelve months

In Botswana, there are around 130,000 wild elephants. Even for a country twice the size of France, experts say this is too many. Conflicts between animals and humans are inevitable. Elephants trample fields, destroy villages, and pose a danger to the population.

Kabo Obonetse works as a wildlife ranger in a safari lodge, guiding tourists through nature. “We constantly hear about such incidents, elephants destroying farms, and people being killed by elephants,” says Obonetse. There are simply too many elephants: “The animals are aggressive, they kill people.” There have been 17 deaths in the past twelve months alone.

Ban on importing hunting trophies

The Botswana government has thus allowed elephant hunting again. About 300 animals can be shot per year. The licenses are highly sought after. Big game hunters from Europe, Asia, or the USA pay a lot of money for them. This money is urgently needed in the poor regions of the country.

However, this business model is now at risk. Discussions in the EU about importing restrictions for hunting trophies like tusks are being held due to animal and species protection reasons. Even the German government is considering this. Belgium has already decided on an import ban.

Neocolonial Patronization?

Botswana, like other African countries, sees this as a form of neocolonial patronization. In protest, President Mogkweetsi Masisi recently announced sending 20,000 elephants to Germany. “We live here with these animals. And if you don’t want us to regulate our populations, then you should experience the same. Come and visit us!” said Masisi. “I bet none of our critics have ever been to Botswana to understand how we live and how we value our elephants!”

Of course, no elephants from Botswana will be sent to Germany. That was never the plan. However, with his attention-grabbing threat, Masisi has at least managed to ensure that African arguments are heard in the discussion about species protection.

Ranger Edwin Cejka also finds advice from Europe unnecessary and points out that controlled elephant hunting can help preserve the animal populations. After all, the government needs money to protect the elephants.

“So, it’s more like the elephants paying for their survival, through sustainable hunting that allows people to earn money and protects the animals,” Cejka argues. “Botswana has private companies document the hunts. This creates jobs for locals. Europeans should not dictate what should and should not happen to us.”


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